The Future of the Art Market
Panel discussion at the London Art Fair

London Art Fair 2020

Date of event: 22 January 2020 – 26 January 2020

Seventeen of our Own Art galleries are showing at London Art Fair this week. The Fair provides a space to showcase the most exceptional modern and contemporary art of our time, to discover and to buy. The Fair is an established destination for both museum quality modern and contemporary work, nurturing collectors at all levels, from prints and editions to major works by internationally renowned artists.

This year, we’re hosting a panel discussion

What will the UK Contemporary Art Market look like in 2030?
Wednesday 22 January, 6.30pm

Visit the London Art Fair’s website to book tickets. In discussion will be our recently published Future of the Art Market Report which surveys the significant changes that have occurred in the contemporary art market over the past 15 years. Commissioned and published by Creative United in November 2019 in partnership with ArteïaCreative Scotland and DACS, the Report explores the dominant issues and trends that are likely to have an impact on the size and shape of the market in the decades to come. In this panel, we discuss: what are the forces and tensions shaping the art market ecosystem today; who is benefitting in the current art market; and should we still participate or seek new ways to operate?

With Lucy Rose Sollitt, writer, curator and author of the Future of the Art Market Report, Anders Petterson, Founder & MD of ArtTactic, Terry Smith, Director of Venice Agendas and artist Jade Montserrat. Chaired by Chief Executive of Creative United Mary-Alice Stack.

Own Art Galleries at the Fair

And if you’re visiting the Fair, the following galleries are part of the Own Art scheme – here is a list of where you can find them: