Alastair Fyfe is a London-based freelance photographer who’s passion is photographing brilliant people. With an impressive career ranging from working in Milan as a photojournalist for foreign press publications, to setting up his London business.
Alastair joined the Forge community as part of Cohort 3, looking to find a market for his own creative projects and increase profits. We sat down with him to find out more about his business and his experiences on the Forge programme. Read the interview in full below:
Tell us about why you set up your business?
My creative interests in portraiture and telling visual stories led me to set up as a photographer. Initially as a photojournalist for newspapers and magazines and later to run a business with clients in diverse sectors.
What made you apply to the Forge programme?
Luck! I had given up my Clerkenwell office to work closer to home and I was also looking around for business help with my new goals. As soon as I came across Creative Works and the affiliated business support courses, I knew I had landed on my feet!
What makes your business special?
Interesting photographs. I offer the certainty of receiving high quality images for clients to tell the captivating stories about their own projects.
What did you hope to achieve through joining the Forge community?
– Reduce the amount of evening event work
– Increase the amount of bigger day shoots
– Find a market for my own creative projects
– Increase profit by £10k
If someone gave you £2k today for your business, what would you do with it?
Photographic equipment as always! I would put the money towards a new camera that only currently exists as a rumour: The Nikon Z8 (?)
In my ideal world it will:
– Have a larger sensor (For the bigger advertising jobs and art prints)
– Have higher ISO capabilities (to help it see in the darker event spaces)
– Have silent shutter action (to shoot sensitive subjects without disturbing the action)
– Have dual CF Express memory slots (the newest, fastest and biggest flash memory format and a back up)
– Be smaller and lighter (To stop my shoulder hurting)
How can we find out more about your business?
To see what I’m currently in to!
To see what I have done for clients